Latest Episodes

S4E8: Colman DeKay Knows EVERYBODY!
So – why do I say my friend Colman DeKay knows everybody? Because, as you’ll hear, HE KNOWS EVERYBODY! And, he’s so used to...

S4E7: Field Of Dreams
If ever there was a metaphorical “field of dreams”, it’s Hollywood. And, in order to get anywhere near that field of dreams, you’re gonna...

S4E6: Oscars Shmoscars - It's The Hack-Cademy A-Weirds!
Oscars-Schmoscars! It may be Academy Awards time in the rest of Hollywood, but here at The How NOT To Make A Movie Podcast, we’re...

S4E5: Endings Are NEVER Pretty
This episode is part five of the BORDELLO OF BLOOD SAGA. The story will still make sense if you haven’t heard the first four...

S4E4 Not So Special Effects
THE BLURB: What do SYLVESTER STALLONE, JOEL SILVER, DENNIS MILLER, ERIKA ELENIAK and ANGIE EVERHART have in common? They all contributed to making Bordello...

S4E3: Location, Location, Location
THE BLURB: Location, location, LOCATION!!! Where you shoot your movie or TV show makes a huge difference. One surefire way to turn all your...