That should be “Lighting In A Bottle – At the Chattanooga Film Festival“. That’s where we just spent the weekend – being feted (not fetid) because of “Tales From The Crypt“, “Bordello Of Blood” and this, our “How NOT To Make A Movie Podcast“.
So, before we start, thank you, Chattanooga Film Festival & Chattanooga & The Read House!
First of all, neither Gil nor I had ever been to Chattanooga. Gil has been to Nashville a couple of times but that’s as close as either of us had ever been to Chattanooga. Until now. It’s a charming city loaded with history (lots from the Civil War – a subject that fascinates me). The hotel where the CFF held most of their IRL events (the live ones versus the virtual ones) was The Read House – an historical hotel that dates back to 1872 (and before that to another hotel that stood on the same site).
The Read House has hosted lots of celebrities. Everyone from Al Capone to Elvis and Ronald Reagan. It’s a beautiful hotel. Recent renovations focused on the hotel’s history.
The festival itself also is worth tuning in for – it’s still ongoing (albeit in virtual form for the duration). Gil and I both saw some great movies and shorts from all over the world. The festival focuses on the creepier side. We’ll be chatting with a few of these terrific film makers in podcasts to come!
But this event was all about Tales – and capturing lighting in a bottle – and what happens when you forget to hold tightly to the jar’s lid. Lightning never sits quietly in that jar.
As we’ve said here before, one of the very best parts of doing Tales From The Crypt (and there were lots of best parts)...
You know how you meet someone – on the set of a movie – say TALES FROM THE CRYPT PRESENTS DEMON KNIGHT, and the...
Bill Malone fell in love with Robby The Robot the moment Robby entered the classic sci fi movie “Forbidden Planet“. Characters like Robby and...